It's currently sitting somewhere below -30c, with windchill below -40 in the city that I live in, and just darn cold. I spend 20 minutes freezing on a train platform this morning, and was *this* close to getting frostbite in my toes when a train finally decided to show up, and bring me into work. The weather turned sometime when I was in the gym yesterday and isn't expected to get any better until the end of the week.
It's great weather for cross-stitching though, and I've put a list of February goals together for the end of the week:
February goals:
1) Finish 1 page of Alhambra (page 6 - bottom left)
2) Finish 1 Christmas Ornament
3) Finish 1 Blog Candy gift - I have one started, but it doesn't suit the next person on the list, so we'll see whether I finish one or two this month.
January's goals were to:
1) Finish 1 page (page 9) of Alhambra
2) Finish the two pay it forward gift
5 days ago