I'm behind in my jewelery class (again - not a surprise), and so I will likely spend the weekend working on projects for that. It's a long class (2 full university semesters), and the novelty of the class has long worn off. I still enjoy it, but no longer have the passion and enthusiasm that I once did.
Sometime between now and the end of class I have to:
1) Remake the beads in the purple necklace shown several posts ago. In my head, the beads were always a pale sea-glass coloured aqua, and I've now decided I can't live with the purple.
2) Solder metal jumprings on to the empty spaces between the beads. They were always supposed to be there, but I didn't get time to do them before the due date.
3) Make a bunch of beads and charms for a charm bracelet I'm working on as my final project. The bracelet's done, as are the pins to put the beads on, but, I just need to do beads and charms.
4) Finish the eternal chain necklace. Some how I thought it would be cute/delecate to create a 22 gauge necklace. It's not...I'm about 9 or 10 inches in, and it's now just taking a long time. Although it is looking pretty good.
5)Create the slides for the necklace. Because the necklace is so delicate, I don't think it will hold a pendant well, so I was thinking of creating slider beads for it - one in glass and one in peyote stitch.
Phew - I think that's all..... wish me luck in getting this all done.
6 days ago
Your problem with the beads on Alhambra have me a little worried now but I'll just have to cross that bridge when I get there. Otherwise, marvellous!!!
That does sound like a lot to get done! But then again, it sounds like homework that is much more fun than, say, a novel writing class or calculus :)
Thanks for the birthday wishes!
Good Luck!!
That *is* a long class... good luck this weekend :)
Hi again Karin,
I'm using 32 count as well. But since I've still got quite a bit left, I'm not going to woory about it and just enjoy stitching.
Hopefully that "painful" necklace will turn out to be so beautiful that you'll forget what a trial it was!
Go go go go goooooooo! =) You can do it!
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